Sunday, July 11, 2010

Slip and Slide

It's been hot here, not just kind of hot, really hot! Mid 90's with really high humidity, pretty much disgusting. So, we've been hitting the outdoor public pools and on one really hot day, mama surprised us with a slip and slide. The local hardware store had it on clearance, so she snatched it up and the goldsteins have been slip slidin' away! Daddy came home from work one day and decided to join in the fun!

Yes, our backyard is clothing optional...

4th of July

Our 4th of July weekend was filled with concerts in the park, the farmers market, fishing, family adventures, WAY too many bbq's and a good old fashioned parade! We had a blast and it was so nice to have daddy home for the entire weekend... Kind of weird, but we are getting used to it.

Gemini (one of our favorite kids bands) performed at the month long Top of the Park here in Ann Arbor. Top of the Park has concerts and movies in the park every night for an entire month. So much fun! Don't mind Remi's outfit... She got peanut sauce ALL over herself, in this picture she's in the "back up" onesie from the back pack. I tell ya, we can't take her anywhwere!

Dancin' with my peeps

Uncle Andrew and Uncle Jamie sent us these T-shirts from Dartmouth and we got LOTS of comments. It has since become one of my favorite t-shirts

fishing... what I'd rather be doing most of the time

Yup, landed another one. I believe the fish count is Tyler 3, Daddy 2!

At our neighbor, Paula's potluck. I had lots of fun running around with neighborhood friends.

Setting up for the potluck

Just what every mommy wants to see at 8am, a fish!

ok, I guess you can touch it

cookin' the fish up for breakfast! Yum!

My fish...

my girl

ok, I'm ready, where is all the candy!

I have become an expert candy grabber... Just what mama wants!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Uncle Brandon's Wedding: Part V

Just some of daddy's pictures from the weekend...