Friday, May 21, 2010

Breaking news!

I can poop in the potty! I can poop in the potty! Now, some of you may take this little feat for granted, but let me tell you, it can be alot of pressure. I started wearing big boy underpants in September, just after I turned 3 and I mastered the pee in the potty party fairly easily, but the whole poop thing eluded me. And let me tell you it was frustrating. Mommy and daddy, mainly mommy, handled it with as much patience as one can with cleaning poop out of underpants every day for almost 9 months. Sure, she lost it a few times, ok, maybe more than a few times, but she'd always managed to pull it together and we would start another day. Well this past week or so, I've been noticing when I have to poop, sometimes I would inform someone of this, other times I would not, BUT yesterday it all started to click. After having a NOK hockey game dangling in front of me for more than 5 months, I managed to get 5 poopies in the potty and I got my game. We were yelling and screaming and celebrating so loudly that our neighbor, Olena, came over to make sure everything was ok. We called daddy and he was actually in his office and we yelled and screamed some more. Then I pooped in the potty again, just to prove that I could do it. I kind of like it! It's certainly much easier to clean up after a poop in the potty then when it's in your underpants! Mommy is so excited she can barely wipe that smile off her face.

Me with my poopy in the potty chart. Sure, it may look like I'm a bit dyslexic, but who cares! I CAN POOP IN THE POTTY!

Bathtime... ALONE

When Tyler had his cast, I, miss Remi, got to bathe by myself! Something that RARELY gets to happen. I must admit at the beginning, I thoroughly enjoyed not having to vie for toys and not have feet or a bum shoved in my face, but by the end, I kind of missed having Tyler wash my hair and dump water on my head.

oh yeah, I forgot to tell you...

I'm a golfer now, a real golfer. Mommy found some used kids clubs at Play It Again Sports, they were supposed to be for my birthday, but luckily, daddy couldn't control himself and I got the clubs early. I try to get out to the links (aka, the park) on a daily basis and the work as paid off! I can't wait to go to the range with daddy and teach him a thing or two... Mommy says he's not a very good golfer.

On the way to Triangle Park to hit a few

Shootin' around with mama

The gallery

"you want some? No really, you want some!"

Daddy and silly girl

Giving daddy a few tips

Somehow Remi made her way to the top off the picnic table

Remi and Georgie playing in the grass

playing tackle with daddy

Georgie and I were talking about how I hit that evening

Thursday, May 20, 2010

PeeWee Soccer - Game 2

Well, game 2 was last Saturday and we took on the brown team. The weather was gorgeous and everyone enjoyed not being bundled up in our winter coats. I got 2 goals and had a blast. Daddy missed it all. He got off work early on Saturday and was trying to get to the last bit of my soccer game and sure enough that's when the volvo decided to drop dead. The car started on fire and left daddy stranded on the side of the road. Luckily, daddy made it out safely, but unfortunately, we have had to lay to rest our 1998 silver volvo. It treated us well and we are sad to see it go, but hey, we can't be driving around a car with the front brakes permanently locked on and that can burst into flames at will!

Remi, getting warmed up for the game...


Remi has discovered hills and what they can giving your stroller a push and watching it sail to the bottom of the hill. So far she has tried out this new found knowledge on everything she can get her hands on. She even sat down on the sidewalk and thought she would slide down it like a slide at the park!

Remi's head is almost big enough for hear to wear her redsox hat, we tried it out the other day in the kitchen and she was loving having it on her head and would cry every time it fell off.

Remi learning that things with wheels will roll down hills all by themselves

Mommy came home day to find that the babysitter had put Remi in these glasses. Remi LOVES to wear sunglasses!

My new pastime is to put my shoes on and then put mommies on after. I think it's great. But mommy doesn't like to find all the sand and mud in her shoes.

Remi now likes to play on the computer

The reminator, just hangin'

Always smiley

She just discovered her tongue, so it's out ALL the time

And of course, me, the trumpet player

Mother's Day 2010

Mother's day was filled with lots of love, homemade gifts, lots of relaxation for mommy, ok, not the last one, but it was fun nonetheless. As usual, daddy was on call, so no real mother's day plans could be made as he might have to dash off to work. BUT, daddy and I did make mommy breakfast, while she and Remi made books and we did get her a gift... A NEW WAFFLE MAKER! Yup, that's right, daddy is following in his father and father-in-law's footsteps, by buying mommy something to cook with! I'm getting conflicting information regarding the appropriateness of this tradition. Meanwhile, daddy was thrilled with the new purchase, as he was the only one who had issues with our old waffle maker!

Our morning was spent just hanging out as a family, something we so rarely get to do and the time was enjoyed by all. Mommy's real mother's day gift was the removal of ALL of the extra mulch that had been sitting in our driveway. We ordered 8 cubic yards of mulch to be delivered, 6 for us and 2 for our neighbor. Well, we had all mulched our hearts out and still had a TON left over. Turns out that the nursery we purchased the mulch from had made a delivery mistake. We got someone else's 11 cubic feet of mulch! So, we started dolling out the mulch to friends neighbors, anyone who wanted it b/c mommy wanted it gone!

The afternoon was a beautiful spring day, so I of course, requested that we get the tractor out... I tractor had to be somewhat disassembled in order to store it, so after 15 minutes of putting the thing back together, Remi and I were ready to ride our motorized tractor around the neighborhood.

Mommy opening up my gift

I made her a garden mosaic

Working with daddy and Jack to load up the wheelbarrows to take mulch to the Wallace's

It was fun working right along side daddy

Drivin' my tractor

I was very happy

We loaded Remi up in the trailer so I could driver her around.

Then mommy and daddy thought better of it and made sure we were wearing our bike helmets. I'm still working on some of my driving skills...