Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ahh, I've missed you park...

With the weather becoming warmer and warmer and sunnier and sunnier, we spend most of our free time at the park. Here are a few pictures of one of recent forays to the park. I decided to ride my scooter to the park and tried to copy the big boys by coasting all the way down our hill, yeah, maybe not the best idea. I took a pretty hard spill, but wiped myself off and on I went.

Can you guess how much sand Remi ate?

Playing soccer with the boys, we were all born in the span of 3 days. I foresee many fun park games with them this summer.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Justin Roberts comes to town...

Justin Roberts came to town to give a concert. For those who don't know who Justin is, he's a children's musician who sings really great songs that both kids and adults like. As soon as I heard he was coming to town, I asked mommy if we could go and she surprised me by showing me the tickets, believe it or not, she was actually one step ahead of me for once. Last year I got to go, but only went with daddy b/c Remi had just been born and needless to say, I was in a bit of a funk then, but not this time! I sang along with all of his songs, found some space in the isle to work on my dance moves and in general had an awesome time. Remi came along this time and she did great, she danced on mommy and daddy's lap, clapped and sang. Here are a few pictures from our family adventure, there aren't many off us b/c it was dark in there...

Heard 'round the house...

Tyler: I'm going to go play now
Daddy: Ok, are you going to take Mr. Turtle with you?
Tyler: Sure, come on sweetheart, let's go play

Remi is down to 1 nap a day now, but sometimes she gets sleepy in the car, so in an effort to keep her awake, Tyler and I sing Old McDonald as loud as we can to keep her awake. I usually start off with the usual dog, cow, horse, but then Tyler takes over and creates his own lyrics, such as...

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, on that ark he had a red light, e-i-e-i-o, with a stop stop here and a stop stop there, here a stop there a stop, everywhere a stop stop, etc.

Old McDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o, on that ark he had some coffee, e-i-e-i-o, with a mmmm here and a mmmm there, here a yum, there a mmm, everywhere a mmm, etc.

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, on that ark he had a door, e-i-e-i-o, with a knock knock here and a knock knock there, here a knock, there a knock, everywhere a knock knock.

*** He kept inserting ark for farm b/c at school they sing about old mcNoah having an ark.

We went to a birthday party for a friend of his today. Sam turned 5 and Tyler was very excited to pick out a gift for Sam. Legos were ultimately decided upon after much hemming and hawing at the toy store. Tyler was so excited that he ran up to Sam and announced that he had given Sam Legos. Sam said thank you and then asked Tyler if he wanted to bounce to which Tyler replied. "That's ok, I'm going to go open your gifts now, I want to see what else you got."

Shhh, I have a secret...

Ok, well it's not really a secret anymore because Mommy caught me red handed. I can walk! That's right, I am a biped and loving it! To be honest, I've been walking for awhile, but I was more a closet walker... I would only walk when I thought mommy or daddy wasn't watching and then last week, mommy caught me. She was in my room putting away laundry and I was in her room, tearing apart whatever I could get my hands on, walking all over the place. Then I look up and mommy is in the doorway with this surprised look on her face. My first thought was, "Maybe I can throw her off." So I immediately grabbed the side of the bed and cruised around it holding on and then for good measure I dropped to my knees and started crawling. Well, she was having nothing of it. She was all excited and clapping and talking in that annoying high pitched voice that people talk to when they're speaking to babies. So I knew the gig was up, so now I walk everywhere, unless I need to get somewhere super fast in which case I resort to speed crawling. Below are a few pictures of me as a walker.

Why does Tyler get to play in the backyard by himself?

Oh, yeah, I now play basketball as well. Tyler taught me how to dunk!

Hanging out while Tyler has a class at the Y.

A little blurry, but now that I'm on the move, it's tough to get a good photo of me. Check out the pigtails. The firs time mommy was able to get them to stay in and it only took 10 minutes and minimal crying this time...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring has sprung!

With 50 degree weather rolling in, I think it's safe to say that spring is here! The first warm day we had, I rode my bike to my park, and then we met up with Aaron, Anya and Mary at another park for more playtime and a picnic. Then it was home for naps and then back to our park until dinner. I love playing in the snow, but it's nice to run outside with no coat on! Yes, the season of snow is coming to end, which means the season of MUD is in full swing!

Using the big boy swing

Remi loves to swing

"Look at me, I'm the king of the world!"

Remi playing the chimes

Remi and Anya, having a little girl time

"Look at me, I'm all muddy"

Ridin' the pig

"look, I've got thomas underpants too!

I was so muddy that I got to ride home in my underpants

Some quiet time reading before nap

mommy always says, "like father like son"

Mommy's still honing her ponytail skills... She needs a lot of help.

Another bike ride to the park

Some reading after dinner

Mommy and daddy take a what??

Well, the time had come, I knew it was coming for quite some time, but I just didn't know if I had the strength to do it... But, finally, after many tantrums, tears and fits (all on my parents part), we finally got them to LEAVE US ALONE! That's right, to the best of their knowledge, they decided to take a vacation, but in all honestly, I was the maestro behind the grand scheme. After countless hours of research and travel planning, my grand plan finally worked. Mommy and daddy were going on vacation and leaving us in Ann Arbor! Grandma Jo came to watch us for the entire week. Honestly, how awesome is she! But with the passing of great grandpa Marland, Grandma Jo had to go home early and Grandma Sue came to our rescue! How awesome is that, we got to see both grandma's in the same week. We did all sorts of fun things, adventure hikes, botanical gardens, music classes, lots of reading time, we watched the Men's Hockey gold medal game and chanted "USA USA USA." We went to my new class at the Y and to tot shabbat. Oh, lest I forget, we got to have treats! Ice cream, chocolate pudding, jello, etc. Not a bad week, eh? Mommy hasn't imported all of the photo's the grandma's sent her yet, so those will have to wait.

Here are a few pics from my parents vacation to Grand Cayman. While the pictures are amazing, you'll notice there are very few of them, I think that's b/c they were just so sad to be away from us...

View from their room

Looking out from their deck

On a windy day, they went looking for calmer waters, this is what they found


All of the public beaches of iguana statues

Seven Mile Beach... Just that, a pristine beach that is literally 7 miles long

Apparently Remi has a legacy to uphold...

This is an actual street sign!

Daddy grilling their dinner one night