Sunday, March 14, 2010

Heard 'round the house...

Tyler: I'm going to go play now
Daddy: Ok, are you going to take Mr. Turtle with you?
Tyler: Sure, come on sweetheart, let's go play

Remi is down to 1 nap a day now, but sometimes she gets sleepy in the car, so in an effort to keep her awake, Tyler and I sing Old McDonald as loud as we can to keep her awake. I usually start off with the usual dog, cow, horse, but then Tyler takes over and creates his own lyrics, such as...

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, on that ark he had a red light, e-i-e-i-o, with a stop stop here and a stop stop there, here a stop there a stop, everywhere a stop stop, etc.

Old McDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o, on that ark he had some coffee, e-i-e-i-o, with a mmmm here and a mmmm there, here a yum, there a mmm, everywhere a mmm, etc.

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, on that ark he had a door, e-i-e-i-o, with a knock knock here and a knock knock there, here a knock, there a knock, everywhere a knock knock.

*** He kept inserting ark for farm b/c at school they sing about old mcNoah having an ark.

We went to a birthday party for a friend of his today. Sam turned 5 and Tyler was very excited to pick out a gift for Sam. Legos were ultimately decided upon after much hemming and hawing at the toy store. Tyler was so excited that he ran up to Sam and announced that he had given Sam Legos. Sam said thank you and then asked Tyler if he wanted to bounce to which Tyler replied. "That's ok, I'm going to go open your gifts now, I want to see what else you got."

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