I woke up the Saturday after my birthday, very excited, because Saturday was the day of my PARTY. I run downstairs and who do I find? Grandma Sue and Grandpa Irwin!! That's right, the flew in for my party, which made the day even more special. After we had plenty of play time it was time for breakfast, and again, mama out did herself. No, not pancakes in the shape of the number 4, this time, they were in the shape of a fish! Why fish you ask? Because I was having a fishing birthday at my favorite park, with my favorite friends! After breakfast, mama and grandma Jo, headed off to pick up food and balloons and to decorate the room, while the rest of us stayed home, played, and picked up our CSA share for the week.
So we finally get to the park, the room had started to be decorated, but grandma sue jumped in and really helped mama and grandma Jo make the room look great! My friends started coming, fishing poles and worms were handed out the the fun started. A few of my friends actually caught fish! I of course, the master angler, was shut out on my special day, but who cares! I got cake instead! We fished for an hour, then had pizza for lunch, ate a blue fish cake that mama made and then played pin the fin on the fish and it was all great! I had so much fun and was so lucky to have so many family members help me celebrate my turning 4!

"no aaron, this is how you do it."

Michael and his dad

Fishing with grandpa Irwin

Greeting Emiliano with a hug

15 of my friends all came, they all fished, and NO ONE got caught with a hook! How is that for luck!

Charlie and his dad showing off their catch

Even Remi got in the action

And she caught a fish!

And then she kissed it! Isn't that fairy tale? Oh, wait, that's about kissing a frog...

The ladies, relaxing

Leela, havin' some fun

Getting ready to eat!

My fish cake, please don't make fun of it, mama worked very hard on it...

Red velvet cake, to resemble the guts!

Ready or not, here I come!

Opening gifts, my first ll bean backpack

Another hand carved wooden train car to go with my set!

Fun books from Grandma Sue and Grandpa Irwin

There was so much excitement that Grandpa Irwin just couldn't take it... His coping mechanism, sleep.

Even Remi got some gifts

New skates!

Thank you hugs, which were more like tackles as proven by photo 1

and photo 2

And photo 3