Guess who game to our Thanksgiving this year, guess, I dare you! Family, that's right, for the first time in 4 years, we actually had family to spend with Thanksgiving. Don't worry, we still hosted our "orphan" Thanksgiving for our friends who didn't have family around, but it was nice not to be one of those orphans this year... We, of course, all got so busy with the cooking and the eating, we forgot to take a picture of the beautiful turkey daddy made and the table filled with yummy food and good friends.
Ok, let's back up a week or 9 days...Mommy and daddy had to go to Cincinnati to do a 2nd interview and a spouse visit. Basically, mommy got to check out the city to see if she liked it and tour a ton of schools and neighborhoods. And during that time, Grandma Jo and Grandpa David came to take care of us. We all had a blast together, but I do think Grandma Jo was a bit relieved to see mama walk in the door. Since it was so close to Thanksgiving, Grandma and Grandpa decided to stay for the holiday, all in all, they stayed for 11 days! That's right, we got to spend 11 whole days with grandma and grandpa, now that was a treat! And when asked what I was thankful for around the holiday table, I proudly said, Grandma and Grandpa.
Below are a few pictures of what we did that Thanksgiving weekend. We checked out the botanical gardens, played A LOT of living room hockey and then on Saturday, we got Remi her first pair of skates and took her skating! Now, she's not as good as I am, but... She was a real trooper and especially liked when mama or daddy would carry her and skate really fast.
All in all, an awesome Thanksgiving. Thanks Grandma Jo and Grandpa David for coming to spend so much time with us, we enjoyed it and hope you did too!

Remi helping daddy get the pan ready for the turkey

Massaging the turkey before it goes into the oven

At the botanical gardens, it was a nice treat to run around in a nice warm space

Making our own holiday wrapping paper with Grandma Jo

The crew

Remi's first time skating

She did enjoy sitting on the boards...

Mama and her superstars

Our most favorite person in the world

yes, we actually got a family shot, a true miracle!

Practicing my writing ... "HOCKEY"