Forgive me for a long lapse in updates, yet again, but
Remi and I have been sick. I brought "the
gastro" home from school two weeks ago, and we have been dealing with it ever since. Interestingly, it seems that I got the worst end of the stick, because I had to go into the hospital to get IV fluids.
Remi, on the other hand, has just been breastfeeding her way through the whole thing. Go figure. In any case, I now feel great, am eating several pounds of food a day (to catch up, I guess) and am ready for a string of updates. Check out these pics from the University of Michigan
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - right in Ann Arbor. Wish we knew this was here for the last two years; it is warm, quaint, and has plenty of space for me to run around no matter what the weather is like! We took Grandpa and Grandma Abel a few weeks ago...

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