Saturday, August 29, 2009

Family Photo Shoot

While we were back in Boston, we met up with Glenn & April, our favorite (and only) wedding photographers. They took over 100 amazing family photos on the beach at Plum Island. Here are a small sample below, but check out the whole album on Smugmug!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wingaersheek Part IV

Checking out the sights from our whale watching boat

Gloucester Harbor

The first whale Tyler or Remi have EVER seen

Remi looks like she just got out of the shower, in actuality, her hair is just THAT greasy from all of the sunblock we put on her!

Tyler discovered the hose

Watch out daddy!

Soaking wet and loving every minute

Don't know who had more fun with the hose, Grampa or Tyler

Mark and mini Mark (Tevan)

Maral and her little man

Remi sitting on the deck enjoying some cherrios

Kristin and Tevan

The Cautela family

Kristin and Remi


Catching some sun with Kristin

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wingaersheek Part III

Ticklefest with Gramma

Who loves her bath?

Gotta love the crooked smile

What's down there?

First attempt of having a picture of the two kids in Rockport. Tyler REFUSED

Then after we're done trying the bugger sits still

Waiting for our lunch at "Top Dog." You guessed it, hot dogs all around!

Notice Tyler NOT paying attention to the private property sign

Tyler almost dropped Remi face first right before this shot!

Climbing the rocks in Rockport

Friends of ours who used the house two weeks before we were there, sent a thank you gift from Zingermans (a local deli). Remi loved sitting in the container!

The only way we could get Tyler to the beach for pictures was to allow him to bring the wheelbarrow. The walk took 3x as long!

MMMmmm... More sand!

Remi in a hole

Typical family photo these days...

Tyler LOVES sticks

Look Remi I have a stick!

The beach at sunset