Well, the time had come, I knew it was coming for quite some time, but I just didn't know if I had the strength to do it... But, finally, after many tantrums, tears and fits (all on my parents part), we finally got them to LEAVE US ALONE! That's right, to the best of their knowledge, they decided to take a vacation, but in all honestly, I was the maestro behind the grand scheme. After countless hours of research and travel planning, my grand plan finally worked. Mommy and daddy were going on vacation and leaving us in Ann Arbor! Grandma Jo came to watch us for the entire week. Honestly, how awesome is she! But with the passing of great grandpa Marland, Grandma Jo had to go home early and Grandma Sue came to our rescue! How awesome is that, we got to see both grandma's in the same week. We did all sorts of fun things, adventure hikes, botanical gardens, music classes, lots of reading time, we watched the Men's Hockey gold medal game and chanted "USA USA USA." We went to my new class at the Y and to tot shabbat. Oh, lest I forget, we got to have treats! Ice cream, chocolate pudding, jello, etc. Not a bad week, eh? Mommy hasn't imported all of the photo's the grandma's sent her yet, so those will have to wait.
Here are a few pics from my parents vacation to Grand Cayman. While the pictures are amazing, you'll notice there are very few of them, I think that's b/c they were just so sad to be away from us...

View from their room

Looking out from their deck

On a windy day, they went looking for calmer waters, this is what they found


All of the public beaches of iguana statues

Seven Mile Beach... Just that, a pristine beach that is literally 7 miles long

Apparently Remi has a legacy to uphold...

This is an actual street sign!

Daddy grilling their dinner one night