On a gray day we decided to head into Boston and experience like any tourist would, so we hit up the children's museum, rode the T, rode the swan boats, swam in the frog pond and visited the "Make Way for Ducklings" (one of my favorite books) statues in the common, and of course, like any good tourist will, we got stuck in rush hour traffic heading back to the beach! I actually had to go pee while we were stuck in traffic, so... mommy came into the back, held one of Remi's diapers on me and I peed! Gotta love mini vans! We had lots of fun counting cars, finding different colors, and making up stories about the people in the other cars, we barely noticed the trip was twice as long!

Remi exploring a climbing exhibit at the museum

me... I climbed up two stories! Very cool!

Working out at the museum

They had a getting ready for kindergarten room, which I LOVED! I would have stayed there all day, if only mommy and daddy hadn't been begging me to go check out the other exhibits. Parents... you can never take them anywhere!

Driving the school bus

Flying the airplane

pretending to jack hammer

workin' hard

Who's that girl with the pigtails?

Waiting for the T to come

Saying hi to Mr. and Mrs. Mallard while riding the swan boat

Catchin' a ride from Mrs. Mallard

Remi, playing with Pack, the 2nd to last duckling

Holding on tight!

Yeah, that's right, I'm the kid who stripped down to his underpants to swim in the Frog Pond and I LOVED it!

Pretending to be a duck! I can hold my head underwater for 10 seconds now!

Katie, one of mama and daddy's friend's, decided to come down to the Common to meet us. We haven't seen Katie in a whole year and this time she brought Lucy with her! Blog readers, meet Lucy, one of the most adorable babies to grace this earth.

and this is the other one... albeit, not a baby anymore, much to our parent's dismay, we are growing older.

After our swim, we rode the carousel

Katie, had to catch the commuter rail home, so we walked her to South Station and I took a quick tour of the train before it left.