September was a busy month for us... I was busy recovering from having my tonsils and adenoids yanked out. Mommy and daddy told me my throat would hurt, but I didn't really grasp how much! The whole "you can have as much ice cream as you want" bit was in NO WAY worth it. Eat ice cream! Are you kidding, it hurt to simply exist, much less try to eat or drink anything. Plus, I had a bad reaction to the meds I was on... I was not handling the narcotic well, it basically made me crazy and when I say crazy, I mean crazy! I would cry on the floor for an hour or more at a time and sob, "I can't stop crying, I don't know why I'm crying!" Finally after dropping the meds cold turkey, it took 3 days to return to my normal lovable self. I don't know who was more relieved, mommy or me. I think mommy was beginning to think this was my new baseline behavior and attitude and contemplated running away. Luckily, everything turned around and we didn't have to file any missing persons reports looking for mommy.
The high holy days were in the month of September, along with many other Jewish holidays, which resulted in me missing 7 days of school in September. While I enjoyed celebrating the holidays, I think we were all a bit relieved that October had rolled around.
Speaking of school, I now go to school 4 mornings a week! 4 years old, 4 mornings! Mommy was a bit sad to have me gone for one more morning, as it cut down on our special time. But I'm doing my best to skip my naps, so I can have special time with her that way. I'm not sure if she's happy about the swap...
We celebrated Rosh Hashanah quietly, as our house was torn apart for yet another one of mommy's home improvement episodes. And we hosted a break fast for Yom Kippur with many of our Ann Arbor friends. We built a sukkah for sukkot and made homemade Torahs for simchat torah. All in all we had a great month of holidays and were able to go on lots of fun adventures b/c of school being out.
What else... Ahh, yes, we all got sick! School has started and once again, I am the deliverer of the nasty germs! It has run through us all once and is now in it's "second" showing, rearing it's ugly head AGAIN! Mommy is none to happy about this and daddy, well daddy in on the interview trail, trying to find us a place where we may actually get to live for more than 4 years, so he may pop his head in for a day or so, but then he's off again. The good news is he has lots of interviews and hopefully we'll know where we are headed by the new year, the bad news is, we never see him and when I do, I'm usually pretty mad at him for being gone all the time, so I'm not very nice to him. So daddy, if you are reading this while you are in some random airport or hotel, I'm sorry, it's just that I love you and miss you and want you to stay at our house for more than a day!
So, that' about wraps it up. September has come and gone, the leaves have started to fall and we finally broke down and turned the heat on in our house! Fall is here to stay!

We biked down to band practice one Saturday before a football game. There was a sky writer in action on that day. M GO BLUE! The official town saying was being written in the sky.

Dress up time,. Not my best smile...

What the F^*$@ are you looking at?

Bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles!

We had so many bubbles we could barely see Remi when she sat down!