The month of March was filled with two very exciting events. The first was our trip to visit Cincinnati, our new home starting in July. Grandma Jo and Grandpa David came down and took care of us, while mama and daddy shopped for houses. Alas, no luck on that trip, but we had a blast with grandma and grandpa. We explored the zoo and the aquarium to name a few. Unfortunately, we do not have any photo's from that trip, as mama only has photo's of house's, and grandma Jo has the photo's she took. Maybe soon, we'll post some pics of that trip. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for helping us during out house hunt in Cincinnati.
The second event in March as the Goldstein Cousin's Club convening in Cancun Mexico for a week of fun in the sun. Grandma Sue and Grandpa Irwin treated everyone to a fabulous beach vacation where we were waited on hand and foot by 4 amazing staff members. Remi and I had such a great time getting to know our Cousin Jayden and his sister, who will be joining the world in late August. Below are just a few of the hundreds upon hundreds of photo's that were taken. Thank you grandma and grandpa for taking the entire Goldstein Crew on a great vacation

Yes, that's right, this is the view of the backyard from the house

the bridge connecting the island to "main land" The kids loved this

Beach time with daddy

a better view of the island...

The Goldstein's are always up for a little naked water squirting

Grandpa Irwin playing with Jayden, Remi and me

As long as Remi had her life jacket on, we would just let her float around in the boat in the pool

Daddy helped me real in a fish

The Goldstein Fishermen

When I got off the boat, they let me play with an octopus

Family picture the night of uncle Andrew's birthday party

This photo describes Remi to a T

Another family picture

Jayde and Tyler giving Remi a smooch

family picture. It seems we get so few of these...

bubbles in the dark!

The fabulous people who took care of us that week.

Remi and Vicki hit it off right away. When we got home, Remi ran into our kitchen looking for Vicki... Ahh, if only we were that lucky!

At the airport walking to our gate...