Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Passover at School

The month of April was a busy one for us, as Passover preparations were taking place at school. We did many things to prepare for passover, but one very special thing we did, is make passover pillows. Pillows to relax on, something the Jews were not allowed to do many moons ago. The Frog room took a field trip to JoAnn Fabrics so we could each pick out our pillow fabric. Remi and mama came along to help out and boy was it exciting. We got to ride the city bus, we terrorized the JoAnn Fabric store and to top it off, we made really fun pillows, and on one side was the fabric I chose (Go Blue!) and on the other side was a picture of me! Of course, Remi being the class mascot, the tadpole, also got to chose a fabric and was given a surprise pillow.

The other exciting thing we do during passover is have an inter generational seder and passover play at school. All the kids invite their grandparents to come and since I don't have any grandparents in the area, I used my Ann Arbor grandma, Jane! She came, she sat in the front row, she took pictures and clapped louder than anyone else. Thank you Jane, Remi and I love you and will miss you very much. So, why was Jane clapping you ask??? for me of course, I was one of the 5 burning bushes for the play. Now this play isn't fancy, but it is 100% child run and apparently hilarious!

Buddy up! Walking to the bus stop

Frog room class picture at the bus stop

still working on my camera smile...

Don't know who loves my teachers more, me or Remi

Hanging out on the bench, waiting for the rest of the class to catch up

Remi and Elke. Yes, Elke is 1 1/2 years older than Remi and Yes, Remi out weighs Elke by 15 pounds!

Emiliano (aka boy I've got my eyes on), giving Remi one of his famous hugs. The boy is already planning his wedding with Remi. I've warned him... To which he responded, "I'm latin, what do you expect."

Tyler, Lili and Yoel

Remi and Lisa, our favorite administrator!

The burning bushes. Kind of low budge, BUT all acting and script writing is done by kids!

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