Monday, February 22, 2010

February 9th snowstorm...

Well, winter finally reared it's ugly head in MI and it really wasn't all that bad. 10 inches of snow and finally I was able to put my snow shoveling expertise to use. Remi and I went out to help mama shovel snow and while I think I may have heard her mutter under her breath that shoveling takes 3 times longer when I help, what I think she meant to say is that it goes 3x faster when I help. As you can see by the photo's, Remi had a great time. She kept moving around so much that we had to put her in the recycling bin to keep her contained, luckily, recycling had already been picked up that day, so we knew she wouldn't be taken by the big green truck!

Remi in the recycling bin

Hey, that looks like fun, I think I'll do it too! We got lots of honks from people as they drove by


Remi enjoying the snow

Mama even let me bury Remi in the snow, just her legs, but it was still fun and she loved it

I decapitated my snowman with my hockey stick (mama is a bit concerned what that means for me later on...) and loved climbing on what was left of my snowman and jumping into the snow

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