Thursday, April 1, 2010

We've been bad bloggers...

Yes, that's right, it's April and we're still posting pictures from March. I'd like to promise that I'll be more timely with my posts, but with mommy limiting my computer time to NONE, it's been a little challenging. Luckily I've distracted her for the moment. If REMI and I make a HUGE mess in one room, that will keep her occupied long enough for me to make a post or two. All is well in Ann Arbor and Remi and I are thrilled to be spending every waking moment outside.

Remi was begging mama and daddy to take her on vacation. They wouldn't have had to even buy her a seat. She fit in the suitcase!

D A D spells dad. I came home from school with that about a month ago. Yeah, I'm pouting... I hit my head on the sideboard...

Lacrosse anyone?

The ladies, having a chat....

Remi LOVES to help out with laundry

I am in a class at the Y and one class we played hockey. This is me helping my teacher, Ryan, get the gym prepared

Ok, warm up for my Y class always consists of playing with balls. I immediately headed for the goal and played goalie the whole free time. I'm happy to report, I only let one in. However mommy is a bit concerned the Goldstein Goalie Gene (AKA Triple G) is alive and thriving.

Taking the puck for a "walk"

Remi thinks she's the queen of the gym

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