Thursday, April 1, 2010

What the ... Why is daddy home?

Yeah, that's right. Daddy took 4 days off of work, Thursday - Sunday to hang out with Remi and I. Mommy flew to MN to spend some time with Uncle Brandon and Aunt Annie and we got daddy all to ourselves. While I must admit, I was a bit concerned when mommy told us she was going away for a few days. I love daddy, I really do, but he's not our primary care taker, or rather even part time care taker, so albeit a bit apprehensive, I jumped into the challenge with full force. Thank god mommy had typed up directions for daddy or we very well may have never eaten! All kidding aside, it was so much fun to have special time with daddy. And while daddy was exhausted by the end of our weekend, I think he really got to understand our day to day lives. March was reading month and all of the parents have been reading to our class and daddy even got to read to my class. I was so excited to show daddy my room, introduce him to my froggie friends and have him meet my teacher, Ellen. Thank you daddy, we had a blast!

Doing a little reading before school

Daddy and Remi at my school's passover seder

The picture is dark, but that's me in the back. I was in the zone... I had to prepare, after all, I was one of the 10 plagues...

Leaving school after having eat every matzoh ball I could get my hands on. I think I had about 6, needless to say, I felt very full.

Bug races in the kitchen

Cooking our dinner over the fire. That's right we roasted hot dogs in our fireplace!

Games class at the Y

I love to play with the parachute

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