Sunday, September 25, 2011

Catching up...

Life has gotten busy, very busy! With school, homework, after school activities, daddy starting to get very busy at work, Sunday school, hockey and social gatherings, on the days where we have no where to go, I think the entire family takes a deep breath and just relaxes. Below are a few pictures to give you a glimpse in to our day to day lives.

a picture in front of one of the many giant ducks around town. There was a rubber ducky regatta, where you could buy a duck and then all of the ducks raced down the river, all for charity (imagine the sight of over 2 million rubber ducks floating down a river). Sadly, our family of four ducks did not cross the finish line first. No new car for us!

At Findlay market, a giant market and farmers market. Lots of fun and lots of people.

each of us, enjoying our treats!

Remi checked out the hockey equipment at Play It Again sports, while I was looking for soccer cleats

first day of soccer practice.

if only we could all live in a world of happiness like Remi does... Although, I will say, watch out world, Remi has been cranky these past few weeks!

Remi was skewering peppers for a cookout

check out my handy work. I skewered all of the tomatoes and mushrooms

yup, that's a giant iguana. Some super weird guy brings is iguana out to the lake to walk him around, and let me tell you, that man is more than happy to talk your ear off...

Labor day bbq with new friends

tennis lessons

Remi in her dance outfit... If she wasn't so darn cute, I think mama might just pass out at the thought of her girl, being a girly girl!

first game!

I love to play goalie...

Remi checking out fountain at the Hyde Park farmers market

Running at soccer practice

playing hockey against grandma Sue

dance party with grandma

Pony ride at Hannah's birthday party

bagels with grandpa

working on my swing

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