Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun in San Diego

Warning, lots of photo's, we mean lots. We had a great trip out to San Diego to visit all of the CA Goldstein's. Legoland, zoo, beach, LA (Uncle AG defended is thesis for the Ph.D), seaport village, olde town, the Midway aircraft carrier, you name it, we it all of the tourists spots! Below are many many many pictures of the great time we had

Remi's first roller coaster ride

very serious driver, no swerving between lanes for this kid!

me and batman (aka Jayden)

check out the size of the statue

Even the shoe was taller than Remi

The USS Midway aircraft carrier

lots of cockpits to climb in and buttons/switches to play with

this is what remi looked like when she found out she wasn't tall enough to go on the flight simulator

me and daddy after a ride in the simulator, we even went upside down!

checking out the pirate at seaport village

playing with the giant kite

me, remi, grandpa and some random kid in olde town

yum, fresh corn and flour tortilla's

uncle ag giving his talk

and cutting his cake. Way to go AG!

Remi, AG and mama walking to dinner

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