Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Rock

Last Saturday we paid homage to Ann Arbor, we painted The Rock. An Ann Arbor institution, this rock was originally placed in a small triangle of land called Washington Park in 1932 and was a memorial to our first president, George Washington, there's even a time capsule placed underneath it! Around 1957, The Rock, was painted, at first the city tried to clean it up after each painting, but has since given up, as it is painted several times daily. Like the day we painted The Rock, it was painted 4 different times in a 24 hour period! At one point the rock has had 7 inches of paint on it at one time! The Rock has actually been striped several times. As you can see by the pictures, there is a little hill up to The Rock. That's all paint that has dripped off!

Ok, enough history of The Rock. On Saturday we headed to Home Depot to buy cheap returned paint and supplies, got in our worst clothes and attacked that bad boy! It's was so much fun, we've seen the college kids do it for four years and now it was our turn. Thank you mama and daddy for letting us do this. It was so much fun to be covered in paint and leave our mark, even if it was only up for a few hours. Oh yeah, when we were done, we threw everything away, even our clothes!

What The Rock looked like before we painted it

those are all drips and layers of paint

Getting to work

I chose the orange and Remi chose the pink (shocker, I know...)

The sidewalk is all painted too. Thanks for teaching us about vandalism at such a young age, mom and dad!

not bad, if we do say so ourselves, all done by us kids

ok, daddy did the writing, but I wrote Tyler!

like I said, we took it all off!

what The Rock looked like from the car

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