I can poop in the potty! I can poop in the potty! Now, some of you may take this little feat for granted, but let me tell you, it can be alot of pressure. I started wearing big boy underpants in September, just after I turned 3 and I mastered the pee in the potty party fairly easily, but the whole poop thing eluded me. And let me tell you it was frustrating. Mommy and daddy, mainly mommy, handled it with as much patience as one can with cleaning poop out of underpants every day for almost 9 months. Sure, she lost it a few times, ok, maybe more than a few times, but she'd always managed to pull it together and we would start another day. Well this past week or so, I've been noticing when I have to poop, sometimes I would inform someone of this, other times I would not, BUT yesterday it all started to click. After having a NOK hockey game dangling in front of me for more than 5 months, I managed to get 5 poopies in the potty and I got my game. We were yelling and screaming and celebrating so loudly that our neighbor, Olena, came over to make sure everything was ok. We called daddy and he was actually in his office and we yelled and screamed some more. Then I pooped in the potty again, just to prove that I could do it. I kind of like it! It's certainly much easier to clean up after a poop in the potty then when it's in your underpants! Mommy is so excited she can barely wipe that smile off her face.
Me with my poopy in the potty chart. Sure, it may look like I'm a bit dyslexic, but who cares! I CAN POOP IN THE POTTY!