Friday, August 26, 2011

First day of School

Pardon our blog posts, as they are out of order, but we've just experienced a monumental life event and it must be shared immediately! Remi and I both started preschool and KINDERGARTEN, respectively. Tuesday was orientation and Wednesday was the real deal and let me tell you, it's awesome!!!! I'm not sure who was more excited, us or mama. It's the first time in 5 years mama has not had a child with her all the time and while she was sad to see us go, I think she also saw a glimmer of gaining some semblance of balance in her life.

Remi is in love with her teachers, Miss Deborah and Miss Sally and is quite upset on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as she does not get to go to school, BUT she does get to eat lunch on M,W, F, just like the big kids, which is exciting enough to tide her over on her off days.

I, Tyler, am now in Kindergarten and I am rockin' it! Reading - check, Math -check, spelling - check! I have the bestest teacher ever and am greeted with hugs each day. Mrs. Foulk is amazing, plus, she likes to play sports, really, how much better can it get. I have homework each night and I love to sit down and work on it and then try to teach Remi what I just worked on. Fun Fun! Mama and daddy are ecstatic for my enthusiasm for school and are so happy that I like all 10 of my classmates. I'm even on my way to making genuine friends here, I can't wait to have play dates in the near future!

the obligatory first day of school shots

I choose my clothes each day and was super proud to be sporting Amherst College apparel, shirt, shorts and socks!

"really, enough already."

Yeah, can you tell she was ready. The pose and all...

Putting my backpack in my cubby

me and Mrs. Foulk. I think I may have my first teacher crush...

The reminator hangin' out in her cubby, happy as a clam

play doh anyone? Preschool is where it's at!

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