Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Good bye Ann Arbor Part II

More pictures of our last few weeks in Ann Arbor.

Daddy and Remi had a special date day, while mama and I went to my first ever movie and out to lunch with my buddy Aaron.

Remi being Remi

It was a nice day, so a little diaper dipping was in order

Out for lunch and then chocolate fondue for dessert. Not bad for a first daddy daughter date

Checking out the fairie door

We had one last giant playdate with all of our friends in Ann Arbor and it was awesome. Never before have Remi and I had all of our friends in one place at the same time.

Mama and daddy even had the blimp fly over. At least that's what they told us, but it was just coincidence...

saying good-bye to our babysitter of 4 years. Olivia we miss you!

hugs with Addie

one last picture of our quaint little house in Ann Arbor. Thanks for treating us well, we will miss you!

A picture of Tyler's footprint in the sidewalk next to our house...

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